I experienced such truth and simplicity during these encounters. Today I can observe just how deeply my very being has been transformed, and the extent to which my relations with others have changed. I have been made more conscious of the urgency to define a new relationship with nature in general and with individual species, and to give them back their space without systematically trying to impose our superiority.
Many marine spaces are literally empty… Once sharks would have been completely eliminated, we may witness a collapse in the food chain that will create a marine dessert within only a few years.
No species can be protected without considering the food chain as a whole. As soon as we understand this we can no longer stand idly by. We urgently have to manage the oceans in a dynamic way by means of concrete actions.
With my book, THE INVITATION, I sincerely hope that readers will be encouraged and stimulated to look at sharks in a new way and will want to engage with protecting them.
Shark encounter spots: Coast of New Mexico, South Africa, French Polynesia, Australia, Egypt, Philipinnes, Bahamas. During my travels, I was lucky to meet more than thirty species of sharks as well as various other marine species.